Discrete Multi-Burner Flame Scanners

Fireye® provides a variety of flame scanners which accurately detect the presence or absence of flame in a combustion chamber. Our scanners include advanced sensors and algorithms that can discriminate its target burner from adjacent flames in the same combustion chamber.

25SU3 Controls Amplifier

25SU3 Controls Amplifier

The Fireye 25SU3-2100 also maximizes burner discrimination with its ability to accurately differentiate the pulse rates produced by ...

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25SU5 Controls Amplifier

25SU5 Controls Amplifier

The Fireye 25SU5 Control enables the construction of integrated safety interlock systems for single and multiple burner fired apparatus i...

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45UV5 Series 1000_1010_1101_1103 Scanner

45UV5 Series 1000-1010-1101-1103 Scanner

When powered by a compatible, self-checking Fireye control, the scanners detect the presence or absence of flames that emit ultraviolet r...

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